Sunday, 19 August 2012


Its scary when you're still in university- wondering what the hell is it you should be/do/go when you're at the end of your degree. A lot of people I know want to keep living that student dream, the half slumber of going to university, freaking yourself out at the amount of work that needs to be done and enjoying the freedom of student life whilst it lasts.

Personally, my aims are not clear to me as of yet. Third year is fast approaching but then what? Job? Will it even be something to do with the subject I studied? Or will my 'graduate' job be waitressing in the local italian? British graduates all face the same issues and I for one hope not be stuck in that cycle.

After speaking to a friend, the idea of travelling is something that appeals to me more than ever. What if i travel AND get a few part time jobs during my time in these places? New people, new ideas, thoughts, different philosophies that might have never been considered if you follow the same path as every other graduate.

I think I have already figured out what I want to do. Live in a few different European cities, feel like a local, learn languages and be a free to an extent. xx

Sunday, 12 August 2012

The Music Post!

So, I decided I'd write a little bit about some of my favourite music at the moment. No, I am not NME, an aspiring music journalist nor have I ever wrote anything like this before, but I can tell you, I love finding new things, getting excited, having them on repeat on my iPod- rinse and repeat. You get the idea!

As you can guess, I do not know where to start! I love a bit of really atmospheric post rock from time to time, and two bands that I've stumbled upon really stand out to me & deserve a mention here:


Born in 2007, Barcelona based Exxasens are a solo project of Jordi Ruiz. This music takes you on a journey, its full of adventure. Ruiz's main inspiration is spacial exploration by humans, pretty cool! Alongside the post rock aspects of the music there is a progrssive metal vibe...not just your usual lo-fi post rock! Exxasens are so different to most of the things that you'll just listen to and its well worth giving them a try.

Red Sparowes

LA Based Red Sparowes are well yep, epic. 'Their music is best described as post/experimental rock. Their sound is characteristic of soundscape-influenced experimental rock, with an otherwise uncommon extensive use of a pedal steel guitar.' (

I find it strange using words to describe music, you just need to listen, if its any good you'll definitely feel some sort of emotion. So, what are you waiting for, grab your headphones!

So I'll finish on one of my favourite post-rock songs. A youtube user says 'Why listen to dubstep drops when you can listen to amazing instrumental rock drops!' So bloody true :)

